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A Wonderful Journey through Photovoltaic Technology

Due to the scarcity of resources, the ecological environment needs our protection, so the choice of renewable resources as power generation technology is of great help to our lives and the environment. Photovoltaic power generation technology is a very typical example, photovoltaic power generation technology mainly uses the photogenerated volt effect of semiconductor interface, when the photons of sunlight irradiate the metal, its energy is absorbed by the metal so that it escapes from the metal surface and becomes photoelectrons, to use photoelectrons to generate electricity. The photovoltaic power generation technology that converts light energy directly into electrical energy has now been widely used in our lives, so from the beginning of the development of this technology, photovoltaic power generation technology has started its journey, so what kind of journey experience? Next, let's introduce the fields in which photovoltaic power generation technology will be applied.

Application Field of Photovoltaic Power Generation Technology


Social Travel: Transportation Sector

Photovoltaic power generation technology can be said to provide a very strong impetus for the transportation field, the application of photovoltaic power generation technology in the field of transportation, is still in the stage of continuous development, whether it is solar street lights, lawn lights, solar road signs, signal lights, advertising light boxes and so on. With the continuous expansion of scenarios, more and more possibilities for photovoltaic power generation applications in transportation have been opened. The application mode is more and more diversified, which can reduce the electricity consumption of public transportation, improve the efficiency of electricity consumption, and also apply in highways, subways, high-speed railways, airports, and other places, people can continue to provide green and clean electricity, while effectively saving electricity, reducing carbon emissions, and has good social benefits.


Home Travel: Family Domain

Photovoltaic power generation technology also has a great role in the family, can meet the daily electricity needs of the family, give the electric energy can also be stored and charged, and night can be discharged to cover the night electricity demand, to save electricity bills at the same time, but also contribute to environmental protection. For example, solar water heaters, photovoltaic power flashlights, solar power banks, etc., outside the building, such as Huawei's micro solar, smart photovoltaic technology can also be used in awnings, skylights, balconies, and other places to improve the energy saving effect of the building, and it is highly integrated to achieve the effect of clean electricity in the home.

Virtual Network Travel: The Field of Communications

To achieve carbon neutrality photovoltaic power generation technology is also applied to the ecology, enhancing the cooperation between photovoltaic power stations and the ecological environment, power grid enterprises, have a business is of great significance, because of its clean energy, support the demonstration application of smart photovoltaic in the field of information and communication, promote the intelligent transformation and green upgrading of network facilities, can be applied to the needs of different scenarios of new infrastructure such as data centers, which can also promote the improvement of the ability of energy conservation in the communication industry.


Sky Travel: Meteorological Field

The solar energy resource database and new energy data platform can be used to construct wind and solar energy resources, and the wind and solar power system model can be preliminarily constructed, to optimize the layout of wind and solar energy development, and actively develop the identification technology for the wind and light events caused by the extreme wind and light events that the energy industry is concerned about. In this way, the combination of photovoltaic power generation technology and the meteorological field has given a new life to the meteorological industry.



In general, photovoltaic power generation technology has significant energy, environmental protection, and economic benefits is very high-quality, one of the green energy involved in the field that can be applied, including people's clothing, food, housing transportation, and other aspects of life. In the future, we will always insist on using photovoltaic power generation technology and will make more efforts to apply it in more fields. While facing challenges, we will actively solve problems and achieve the next development.